Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Speakman Family Reunion

This past Saturday was the Speakman Family Reunion. I ADORE these people. But the sad thing is, its been over 8 YEARS or longer since I've seen any of them. It was a great afternoon. We ate and caught up and ate some more! We met at Sportsman Lake where for years meet every year, up until my grandmother passed away 15 years ago. There were a bunch of kids there and they all got along so well. My cousin Amy was there and brought her son, Jackson Wesley who is 2 weeks younger then my Jaxon Wesley. CRAZY, HUH?! I know! It was great seeing everyone, and we plan on getting together again during the holidays! Here are a few pictures from our afternoon...ENJOY!

This is me and my cousin Rusty

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Losing The Baby Weight.....AGAIN!

Last August I started the Weight Watchers diet. I did great! I lost about 17lbs! That's pretty awesome! But bad things were coming up about October: Auburn weekend, Halloween parties, Thanksgiving, Christmas, birthday parties. and there was NO way I could miss any of these wonderful foods because I was on the diet. So...15lbs later, I'm back where I start! GRRR!! How did this happen? When I was a teenager I could eat my weight, which wasn't much, in junk food and NEVER gained a single pound. Double grrrr! Then when I got pregnant with Loch and gained 50 POUNDS, my skinny self would never be seen again....OH WELL! I only gained 25 lbs with Jaxon and I've already lost all of that. I'm just still working on what I gained with Loch 5 YEAR AGO!! So, few weeks ago, Wes and I decided to try it again. But this time we've decided that every other Saturday we would go out and have whatever for supper, so we don't get burned out! Sounds great! I've been on it for about 10 days and I've lost about 5 lbs! So, maybe my skinny self isn't too far away...hehe! Yea RIGHT! :)

Update On Life

Nothing huge has been going on with us. Just the same old, same ole! Lochlan has about 2 weeks of school left until Summer break. I've decided to let her stay out of school this summer, since she'll be starting BIG GIRL school this fall. (Wow, I still can't believe my baby is starting school, really sad) We are planning a trip to the beach to the beach house. I'm so excited! We haven't been to the beach in about 3 years. Wes and I decided we needed to take one last vacation before he starts Pharmacy school. It will be the last vacation for about 4 years. Eeeek! Sadly, this is all that's been going on. So, nothing major to blog about!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Pharmacist

Since day one I have ALWAYS been supportive about what Wes wanted to do when he grew up! :) Almost 2 years ago he wanted to be a Police officer. Yes, its an extremely dangerous job but being the supportive wife that I am, I wanted him to do what made him happy! A degree and one year later...NO ONE was hiring police officers. So, what now?

I always knew deep down that Wes wanted to do Pharmacy. So, when we finally decided that Police wasn't the best road to take I suggested Pharmacy school. Yes, that means 4 MORE YEARS of school but what a great pay off! So, about 6 months ago he started taking classes he needed, take test and other things that were needed before he could even apply.

Fast forward a few months and Wes was at work when he got the email from Samford. HE GOT THE INTERVIEW!! He got all dressed up in his suit and tie and when and gave it his all! He got to tour the campus and from what he has told me its beautiful! He thought he did well, but he said you can never tell! Over 300 people went in for interviews but only 120 actually got it. Great, now I'm REALLY nervous!

Fast forward to Thursday, April 1st. Wes calls me from work and just talking like normal. What you up to? What are the kids doing? Blah Blah blah and then says "Guess what???? I got in" I thought he was joking because it has only been 6 days since the interview and they said it could take up to 2 weeks before he heard anything. I burst into tears!

This is going to change our lives. I am so proud of him! Now if we can get through these next 4 years we will be set for life!

Wes, I am so proud of you! You are such an amazing husband and father! I LOVE YOU, Dr Mosley!! :)

Saturday, March 27, 2010


Today was Lochlan's very first Gymnastics Jamboree. I am so amazed of how well she is doing because honestly I sucked at gymnastics. I'm so clumsy and not graceful AT ALL! So, they put on a little program for all the families to see. They went around to the bars, balance beam, and did two floor routines. Lochlan got to the balance beam and actually did a flip on it, with help of course. I was AMAZED! I couldn't even walk across the thing. At the end they all got a medal and she was beyond proud of herself! I'm one proud momma!!! :)

Happy 1st Birthday, Jaxon!

Wow, I can't believe its been a year. A WHOLE year since my baby boy was boy. It just seems like yesterday Wes and I found out we were pregnant. It has been a wonderful year. And we have been truly blessed with a beautiful, healthy baby. He is such a joy to be around. He has such a good personality and sense of humor but you better watch out for his temper because at any moment he can turn on you. If you take something away from him or tell him "NO! NO!" he will be on the floor throwing a fit. I think its adorable! :)
Saturday was his birthday party. And of course it was a big deal! Everyone came, all of Wes' family and my parents were there. Along with a few friends. It was themed John Deere. We decorated the house in green and yellow. The cake was beautiful!!! Jan Barnett is an AMAZING cake decorator. and when it came time to eat his smash cake, he destroyed it! We had a blast!

Jaxon, you have added so much joy to my life this past year. I'm truly blessed to have you! I LOVE YOU! Happy Birthday Baby!!! :)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


This little boy has me wrapped around his little fingers! He is such a wonderful baby! My heart melts into a million pieces everytime he smiles at me. I'm sooo blessed!


Yes, my baby turned FIVE on Saturday! I'm still in shock! It just seems like yesterday I found out I was pregnant with her and now she is about to start big girl school?! Something isn't right here. But we celebrated the day with a big Wizard of Oz party with a bunch of family and friends! She had a blast and I think everyone else did also! Here are a few pictures from the party...


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Big Boy!

This is a bitter sweet post! My 10 month old baby boy took his first steps last week! He is getting so brave, taking 10 steps at a time. It's amazing he is only 10 months old, VERY wise for his age! My mom was able to catch a picture of him in action!

Nothing else exciting has happened since my last blog except that I started back to work! Which is also a bitter sweet moment. I LOVE being a stay at home momma, and wish I could continue doing it, BUT we needed the extra pay check and it's good for me to get out of the house. I'm actually working in the Pharmacy as a Tech. So far, I love it! So, keep your fingers cross that it keeps going good!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


My cousin/BFF Heather invited us to come visit her and her boyfriend, Steve to Arizona for a few days, so of course I said YES! We left at 3:45am Wednesday and headed to the airport! I was nervous/excited because it was my first time on an airplane plus having the kids with us and not knowing how they would act! But they ended up being GREAT! Lochlan loved it and wants to do it again!

Arizona is VERY different from Alabama! 1. There is NO grass, its all desert. All the houses and buildings are the same brown/tan color! 2. NO SWEET TEA! Lochlan ordered sweet tea at a restaurant and the waitress looked at her like she was crazy! It's called ICED tea! 3. It was 70 degrees during the day, when in Alabama the high only got in the tens that week! There were mountains and cactus everywhere you look! I can't wait to go back to visit! Here are a few pictures from our week!

This is the view going to Heather's house! I couldn't ever get used to this! WOW!

Lochlan, Jaxon and my BFF Heather!

Did you know it take a cactus 75 yrs to grow an arm! CRAZY!


LONG way down!

Wes and I on top of Mt Lemmon! Beautiful!

Steve, Jaxon and Heather