Sunday, August 14, 2011

Meet Smith

My best friend/cousin Heather and her husband, Steve had a precious baby boy on July 5! They named him Smith. He is a precious angel. I was lucky enough to go meet him. They live in Tucson, AZ. So, two weeks ago I got on a plane and went on a mini vaca by myself. I left out Sunday morning and stayed til Thursday morning. All we did was sit around, holding the baby, eating junk food and watching TV. It was an AMAZING vacation. I couldn't think of a better way to spend it.

I miss Heather and Smith so much. It breaks my heart that they live so far away. Hopefully, I get to take another trip out there in October. Keeping my finger crossed. Here are a few pictures of Smith.

Smith Esteban Bosse'

My first time holding him. It was love!

Sweet angel!

Mine and Smith's first In N Out experience

He was SO TIRED!

Jaxon at the airport watching Mommy land. This little guy
was so excited to see me!

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