Friday, May 27, 2011

Kindergarten Graduation

I can not believe that this year is already over. It just seems like yesterday that we were at registration getting her signed up for Kindergarten now she is going into 1st grade? WOW!

I wasn't close enough to the stage to get good pictures but I did manage to get one with my phone.

This was right after graduation. I'm so proud!

I thought this was sweet and also hilarious!
Guess I'm not getting grandchildren from her!

I am so proud of you, Lochlan! You are such a smart, beautiful young lady with huge hopes and dreams! I love you so much!
Love, Mom, Wes, and Jaxon

1 comment:

TheMasonBunch said...

Hey Malorie! Thanks for visiting my blog. I just love blogging, especially writing about my life with my children and husband. I really don't remember how life was without my kids. I'm sure it was pretty boring. LOL!

I loved visiting your blog today. I LOVE LOVE LOVE "The Future Life of Lochlan". That is a keeper. Katie goes to Primary, so they don't have Kindergarten graduations. :( We celebrated yesterday anyway. I would love to follow you and read more about the life of a mom. ;) Come by again anytime. I have a few recipes and craft projects, if you're ever looking. See you tomorrow!