Thursday, June 30, 2011


Hello...HI! Yes, I know I'm a blog slacker. I'm sorry. We've been home from the beach for over a week but I can't get out of this "beach funk" But I'm back and I promise to get back on my 30 challenge and post about our wonderful vacation.

DAY THIRTEEN-----A TV show you are currently addicted to.

I'm a little late for the GLEE train but I'm in LOVE! It's such a unique show and I can't stop watching it. Anytime my husband walks into the room when its on, he IMMEDIATELY turns around and walks away. Its defiantly girl show. And that's ok! :) Oh, and thank the Lord for Netflix. Whoever came up with this I want to kiss them on the mouth!

1 comment:

TheMasonBunch said...

Glad to see y'all got home okay. We're having our somewhat mini vacation this week. Maybe we can get together sometime the next couple of weeks.