Monday, April 4, 2011

Birdie Baby Shower

Saturday was Heather (Bice) and Steve Bosse's baby shower. It was bird themed and my mother went NUTS over it. I honestly think she should be a party planner. She did an amazing job.

Heather and Steve live in Tucson, AZ so planning was a bit difficult. We had to work around Steve's schedule because he is a lawyer and a very busy guy and also we had to make sure Heather wasn't too far along where she couldn't fly! So, we set the date for April 2nd. She is around 25 weeks so it was perfect.

We couldn't have been more blessed with the weather. A little breezy but it was 71 degrees and PERFECT! Since Heather missed Thanksgiving she wanted a potluck style shower. So, everyone brought their favorite Thanksgiving side dish. We had EVERYTHING...Ham, dressing, cranberry sauce and every kind of casserole you could think of.

Also, since they live in Arizona we decided for everyone to only bring a gift card or a very small item. Some people didn't like it because it wasn't personal enough but shipping is expensive.

We had a great turn out and had a wonderful time.

Beautiful cake by Jan Barnett

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My sweetheart! :)


Mom, Heather and myself

Birds everywhere!

Heather and Jax

Yumm Yumm!!

Beautiful Mommy to be

Mamaw Sara and Heather

Mamaw, Heather and Lisa (Heather's mom)

The adorable invitations

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