Tuesday, July 19, 2011



I know its been a while since I've blogged but I've been sick and we also had a death in the family. My sweet Aunt Geraldine passed away yesterday morning. It's breaking my heart in two. She will be missed terribly!

ANYWAY, on to a happy note.....15 facts about ME!

1) Everyday I change my mind about having more kids. I guess it all depends on if my kids are being good or not! Haha

2) I HATE cotton balls. I hate they way they feel. It sends chills down my spine just thinking about it!!

3) I love the Food Network and could watch if 24/7

4) My nickname as a child was "Moo" and it has been that since then.

5) I hate doing laundry. I think I would rather cut my own arms off and beat myself with them! :)

6) I cringe whenever someone smacks their food or gum. I can not stand it.

7) I put more cream and Equal in my coffee then actually coffee and I blame this on my momma b/c that's the way she drinks her coffee.

8) I have been best friends with my cousin, Heather since the day she was born. Sadly, she moved to Arizona 5 years ago and I only get to see her maybe twice a year! BUT I'm leaving to go visit her and her newborn baby born in 12 days! YAY!

9) I love celebrity gossip. I don't know why I'm so attractive to it but I can't stop myself.

10) I talk to my mom everyday.

11) I LOVE the beach but I hate getting sandy!

12) Halloween is my favorite holiday! .

13) I HATE summer!!! I hate the heat. This girl wants it to be 65 degrees ALL YEAR LONG!

14) I love a good nap but I always feel horrible when I wake up from it.

15)  Everyone says I look just like my momma! I guess that's a good thing!? :)

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